Jesus died for the don’t have to!
In 2009, I came across an article on CNN’s website titled “Stressful jobs that pay badly”. The position of Church Music Director was included in these findings, and a whopping 2/3 of music directors that were a part of this sample felt their job was quite stressful. Other occupations included parole officers, curators and—you guessed it—ministers. When I read this article, I was beginning a doctoral degree in organ, and it definitely gave me cause for pause and concern. My concern, of course, was not about the money. The question running through my head was this: Why take more classes and lessons to end up in a stressful work environment?
When I took my first full-time job as an Organist and Assistant Director this summer, I had the chance to discern new habits and rhythms that worked for me. Here are a few:
Like nearly all church musicians, part of my job is administrative, and I have to remind myself that the core of it is musical. This has been the biggest struggle in my new position—to create that balance between administrative and musical tasks. For me, it is closely tied to my work/life balance. Paul Westermeyer speaks eloquently to this:
...the paper blizzard has to be attended to; and the machinery has to be kept oiled...Our society has a way of turning everything into administration, as if it were an end in itself. It is not. The cantor is the musical servant of the servants of God and has important things like music to attend to.” --The Church Musician, 100. Augsburg Fortress 1997.
Even the best-oiled machinery needs a check-up every now and again. My prayer is for us all to have a few moments to find a renewed sense of balance and purpose as we seek to praise God with and through music.
Jesus died for the Church...may we live more fully.