New Choral Titles for Lent, Easter, Spring 2015

by Augsburg Fortress

Sometimes we confuse somber with slow, penitential with plodding. Although the pace of worship and music matters, and in some ways tempo and piety are intertwined, they are not as formulaic as their use in Christian worship sometimes might suggest. Faster does not equal more joyous. Consider popular music. Some of the quickest music around—bluegrass and death metal—can be both dark and penitential, often in the extreme.

If you are the musician planning worship this season, review the tempo at which you are leading worship, particularly the hymns. It is easy to get into a rut. Remember that you play the music not for yourself, or even for the music itself, but for the assembly. Your call is to lead the assembly in song. An excellent read that explores this concept in greater detail is Paul Westermeyer's The Church Musician (Augsburg Fortress, rev. ed., 1997). Every musical choice, however complex or artistic, should be in the service of the church singing with one voice.

From the seasonal essays for Lent, Sundays and Seasons 2015 (Augsburg Fortress, 2014).

All instrumental and choral titles in the Lent, Easter, Spring 2015 line from Augsburg Fortress are available for instant download. Consider these choral titles for use throughout these seasons:

God So Loved You

Here Is Love


I Know That My Redeemer Lives


We Walk By Faith


Grace and peace to you and your music ministry this Lenten season.

Posted on Feb 24, 2015 8:32:41 AM
Filed Under: Choral Techniques and Repertoire, Filed Under: Planning, Filed Under: Potpourri, Filed Under: review-prelude,

Augsburg Fortress

Written by Augsburg Fortress

Augsburg Fortress develops engaging resources for Lutheran congregations In our ministry as the publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we create substantive and innovative materials to support the ministries of faith communities in communicating the good news of God's liberating grace. To meet the evolving needs of Lutheran communities, we continually invest in the development of new ministry resources, seeking ongoing input from theologians, educators, church leaders, and church members.