A Little Child Shall Lead Them

by Augsburg Fortress

“A[nother] biblical quotation about children is the “a little child shall lead them” in Isaiah’s vision of the peaceful kingdom (Isaiah11:6). When considering the practical aspects of children in worship, it is wise to ask how children can lead.

Beyond singing an anthem, children can lead verses of a psalm, sing a stanza of a hymn, or sing the leader parts to parts of the liturgy such as the Kyrie. In fact, children can sometimes be the most effective teacher of new music. When children teach a new hymn, for example, the assembly will often join them, encouraged by their ability.”

From Worship Formation & Liturgical Resources: Frequently Asked Questions - How do we involve children in worship? Copyright © 2013 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. www.elca.org/worshipfaq.

A church choir can and should be seen primarily as a leader in worship. Children’s and youth choirs should share in that responsibility when they sing for services. Too many times, they sing their anthem for the day and they’re done for the remainder of the service…often getting into mischief, I might add.

There are many opportunities during the liturgy of a service when children can take on the role as leader: have them sing the call to worship (gathering) or the psalmody or gospel acclamation of the day.

Also, children can add to the musical effects of the day’s hymnody by singing a descant with the adult choir, by randomly ringing handbells, or by being assigned to play appropriate percussion instruments on the final stanza of hymns.

Prelude can help you to find music that is appropriate for all of these times.

Posted on Mar 20, 2015 12:16:35 PM
Filed Under: Potpourri, Filed Under: Uncategorized,

Augsburg Fortress

Written by Augsburg Fortress

Augsburg Fortress develops engaging resources for Lutheran congregations In our ministry as the publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we create substantive and innovative materials to support the ministries of faith communities in communicating the good news of God's liberating grace. To meet the evolving needs of Lutheran communities, we continually invest in the development of new ministry resources, seeking ongoing input from theologians, educators, church leaders, and church members.