Prelude Blog

Chris Cherwien

Chris Cherwien has been a church musician for over 38 years serving congregations in Minneapolis, Indianapolis, and Philadelphia. In all three cities Chris founded/co-founded summer music and arts camps for children and youth. She is currently the Director of Worship and Music at Immanuel Lutheran Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, and has been the alto section leader for the National Lutheran Choir since 2012. Chris and her husband Paul have three grown children and four grandchildren.

Recent Posts

Music Ministers-What's on Your List?

Posted on Aug 20, 2024 9:00:00 AM by Chris Cherwien in Music Ministry, in leadership

Quick—make a list of the skills and abilities you need to be an effective choir director, cantor, or other music ministry leader. What’s at the top of your list?

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The Benefits of Choral Collaborations

Posted on Apr 11, 2024 9:00:00 AM by Chris Cherwien in Music Ministry, in music

Several months ago, Paul Stever, a colleague from a neighboring church, contacted me about the possibility of joining our choirs together for an evening service on Pentecost Sunday. The service would feature Kim Andre Arneson’s beautiful “Holy Spirit Mass.” The National Lutheran Choir premiered this work in 2017 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C. Since Pentecost is early this year, and this is a festival that often gets shortchanged, he suggested that this was the perfect year. Paul had put a great deal of thought into what this collaboration would take. This work would be difficult to do with its divisi without a larger number of singers than either of our churches have.

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The Rhythm of Rehearsals

Posted on Jul 12, 2023 9:00:00 AM by Chris Cherwien in Music Ministry

Planning and executing effective and enjoyable rehearsals is an art! Too often, I am tempted to do other work and not carve out time to thoughtfully plan each choir’s rehearsal. Experience is my friend but should not be an excuse for skipping this important work. When we only have one rehearsal per week, we have to make the most of every minute. It feels like so much to do and so little time to do it in. We have to prioritize and map out the allotted time. There is a rhythm to the rehearsal that allows the singers/ringers to warm up their brains/voices and move toward the most challenging pieces. Effective rehearsals model a beautiful musical phrase.

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Building Trusting Relationships

Posted on Mar 7, 2023 9:15:07 AM by Chris Cherwien in Music Ministry, in relationship, in trust

Recipients of our appreciation are apt to express their own gratitude to others, lengthening the unending, golden chain of connections-in-goodness that stretches across the world. —Mary Ford-Grabowsky

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Summertime Renewal and Growth

Posted on Jun 7, 2022 9:00:00 AM by Chris Cherwien in Summer, in music

Well, here we are. Another choir season has come to an end, and the summer months are upon us. The Sundays keep coming and the planning never stops. How are you doing? Now is an ideal time to check in with yourself. What do you need in the next several weeks to restore, energize, and enliven you and your music ministry?

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This Is the Night! The Vigil of Easter

Posted on Mar 3, 2022 9:00:00 AM by Chris Cherwien in Music Ministry, in Easter, in Lent

This is the night! The Vigil of Easter is the heart of our celebration of the Three Days and the pinnacle of the church’s year. We gather around a pillar of fire, hear ancient stories of our faith, welcome new siblings in Christ at the font, and share food and drink. We proclaim Christ crucified and risen!

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Lessons and Carols for Advent

Posted on Oct 14, 2021 9:00:00 AM by Chris Cherwien in Hymnody, in Advent, in music

“Now we wait. We wait for the child to be born.
We wait for the newness that God is bringing into the world.”

Advent is a season of anticipation, longing, and hopefulness. This year, after almost two years in a pandemic, these themes, and the emotions that they invoke, are heightened. We long to see signs in our lives and in our communities that Jesus is present. We need to hear the promises that only God can give.

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The Importance of Mentorship

Posted on Mar 3, 2021 11:44:44 AM by Chris Cherwien in Music Ministry

Who is the first person who comes to your mind when you think of an extraordinary mentor? What is the value in taking time to think about this question?

Several years ago, I was sitting in a breakout session at an ALCM conference listening to someone whom I consider an amazing mentor. He was dropping pearls of wisdom for those of us fortunate enough to hear. As I looked around the room, I saw many people engaged and, from the outside, some who seemed not to be. It struck me that it is easy to overlook opportunities to learn from a truly great musician.

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Hosting a Music and Arts Camp

Posted on Jan 6, 2021 10:25:06 AM by Chris Cherwien in Music Ministry, in Creative Arts Camp

“My life flows on in endless song; above earth’s lamentation, I catch the sweet, though far-off hymn that hails a new creation.” (ELW 760)

Hymn texts have come to life in a new way since our world changed in early 2020. A new year is upon us and if we listen closely, we may hear that far-off hymn hailing a new creation. How can we, as church musicians, bring about a new creation? What gifts can we give our parishioners, communities, and cities?

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