Craig Mueller
Craig Mueller has served as pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chicago since 1999. He has a master of divinity from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago (LSTC), a degree in music education from Gustavus Adolphus College, and a certificate in spiritual direction from the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. He is working on a Doctor of Ministry degree in liturgical studies through the Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry program in Chicago. Publications include Soli Deo Gloria: Choir Devotions for Year A; preaching articles for Homily Service; and liturgical texts and materials for Augsburg Fortress. In addition, he was primary compiler for Indexes for Evangelical Lutheran Worship, which includes a list of hymns for each Sunday and festival in the church year. A member of ALCM, Mueller has led workshops on liturgy and spirituality, chaired worship committees for several national conferences, and for three summers served as chaplain for the Lutheran Summer Music Academy.