One of the important jobs we do as church music directors is teaching hymns to the children in our congregation. How can we effectively do this?
Read More > >Teaching Hymns to Children
Posted on Jun 4, 2012 8:45:05 AM by James Hild in Assembly Song, in review-prelude
Radio and Internet Ministry
Posted on May 28, 2012 8:36:49 AM by Ron Marenchin in Potpourri, in review-prelude
In late 1999 there was a major television special highlighting the 100 most influential people of the past millennium. King of the hill was Johann Gutenberg, inventor of the movable type printing press.
Read More > >Scripture Based Children's Anthems
Posted on May 21, 2012 8:23:58 AM by Sarah Hawbecker in Choral Techniques and Repertoire, in review-prelude
The texts we choose for children to sing are as important as the musical qualities of an anthem. What better texts are there to teach our children than words of scripture? The following anthems are just a few of the ones I have found to be worth teaching and repeating.
Read More > >Music Literacy Techniques
Posted on May 14, 2012 7:00:12 AM by Jonathan Busarow in Choral Techniques and Repertoire, in review-prelude
We have all done it. Step 1: We pass out new music to the choir. Step 2: Plow through the piece at performance tempo and play parts so loudly that they will have to hear how it is supposed to go. Step 3: Repeat Step 2 until is sounds good enough. Sound familiar? What if we did not have to pound out the notes? What if we could increase a choir’s reading abilities with every piece we sing?
Read More > >Singing the Psalms: Old Words, New Life
Posted on May 7, 2012 4:03:00 PM by Nancy Raabe in Assembly Song, in review-prelude
“…be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making music to the Lord in your hearts….” (Ephesians 5:19)
Teaching Hymns and Liturgy to the Children’s Choir
Posted on Apr 30, 2012 7:40:16 PM by Sarah Hawbecker in Choral Techniques and Repertoire, in review-prelude
I no longer assume that the children entering into my choir are familiar with the Lutheran liturgy and standard hymns, even Christmas carols. There are several reasons, including the lack of sacred music in the schools, families’ sporadic worship attendance, and attendance at “alternative” services. Our staff is making more deliberate efforts to encourage families to worship together regularly. I schedule our 2nd-6th grade choir to sing for worship at least once a month. One of the third grade boys recently told his mother that church was more fun when he was in the choir, because he had more to do. Yes, indeed - church is much more fun when you can participate because you have rehearsed the responses and know the hymns!
Read More > >Quote of Note
Posted on Sep 30, 2011 2:58:40 PM by Augsburg Fortress in Potpourri, in review-prelude
Read More > >God gave us music that we might pray without words. —Unknown